Harness the Power of Intelligent Documents

Advanced records management capabilities such as retention schedules, audit trail, encryption, and legal hold make it easy to securely manage documents and data.


Create "Intelligent" Documents

  • Identify actionable data within documents via:
    • Zonal & Full Text OCR
    • Barcode & QR Code
    • ICR & AI/ML
  • Leveraging existing data to create smart documents.
  • Streamline document-centric workflows by making them data driven workflows.

Storage Flexibility

  • Vasion storage includes advanced security and compliance features along with secure third-party sharing.
  • Keep your current storage providers with Vasion’s native third-party storage integrations like OneDrive for Business, Google Drive, AWS Workdocs, AWS S3,  and Box.
  • Easily grant users, groups, and roles access to documents and folders.
  • Search, secure, and collaborate across any or all of these storage platforms.

Address Security and Compliance Requirements

Add audit trail, version, control, encryption, and legal hold capabilities.
Add encryption data at rest to your existing document platform.
Easily identify sensitive documents by applying Personal Identifiable Information (PII) setting to storage folder.
Address archive and life cycle management requirements with configurable retention scheduling.

Add Advanced Capabilities to Your Cloud Storage

  • Gain full Enterprise Content Management capabilities such as Workflow, eForms, and eSignature.
  • Easily provide external users secure access to documents.
  • Scan directly into your third-party cloud storage.

Working with Vasion as our document management partner has been a game changer for RiverSpring Living. We have been able to leverage the system in many areas of our organization to create operational efficiencies and reliable retrieval and document retention.”

David Finkelstein
Chief Information Officer, RiverSpring Living